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Fake News Alert: Can MMR Vaccination Lead to Autism?

by Dr. Krishanga on November 10, 2023 at 2:15 PM
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The controversy surrounding the alleged link between the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism has persisted for years (1).

Myth: The MMR vaccine causes autism.

‘Over 500,000 children studied - No link was found in between MMR Vaccine and Autism #vaccine #autism #FakeNews # MedicalMyth #medindia’

Fact: The Wakefield studies, which originally suggested a link between the MMR vaccine and autism, have been thoroughly discredited and lack scientific support.

Wakefield's Flawed Studies

Why are these studies flawed?

First Study (1998):

Lack of Control Group: The initial study failed to include a control group, making it impossible to draw meaningful conclusions about the vaccine's association with autism.

Timing of Symptoms: It was observed that intestinal symptoms occurred after the onset of autism, rather than before, weakening the proposed connection.

Retraction and Scientific Misconduct: This study was subsequently retracted due to scientific misconduct and fraudulent data, rendering it invalid.

Second Study (2002):

Failure to Properly Control Variables: The study failed to adequately control immunization status and the time interval between vaccination and biopsy collection, essential for accurate assessment.

Failure to Differentiate Virus Types: The study did not distinguish between the natural measles virus and the vaccine virus, crucial in understanding potential associations.

Sensitivity of Measles Virus Detection: The methodology used for virus detection was highly sensitive, increasing the likelihood of incorrect positive results.

Studies Refuting the Link: Stating the Facts and De-Bunking the Myths

Brent Taylor Study (1999):

Well-Controlled Examination: Taylor's study involving 498 children meticulously examined the relationship between MMR vaccination and autism, finding no significant correlation.

No Difference in Age of Diagnosis: Children vaccinated with MMR did not demonstrate a difference in the age at which autism was diagnosed compared to unvaccinated children.

Onset of Symptoms: Symptoms of autism did not manifest within two, four, or six months following MMR vaccination.

Madsen Study (1991-1998):

Extensive Cohort and Rigorous Methodology: Madsen's study involving over 500,000 children provided robust evidence that MMR vaccination did not increase the risk of autism.

No Association with Timing of Vaccination: The study found no correlation between the age at vaccination, time since vaccination, or date of vaccination and the development of autism.

Genetic Basis of Autism:

Twin Studies: Identical twins demonstrated a significantly higher concordance rate for autism compared to fraternal twins, underscoring the strong genetic component in autism.

"Home-Movie" Studies:

Early Detection of Autism: "Home-movie" studies, analyzing early signs of autism in children before MMR vaccination , revealed that subtle symptoms can be identified as early as one year of age, refuting any causal relationship.

In conclusion, the scientific consensus firmly rejects the notion that the MMR vaccine causes autism. The discredited Wakefield studies, combined with subsequent rigorous research, demonstrate no credible evidence supporting this claim.

Genetic factors and early signs of autism detected before vaccination further emphasize the multifaceted nature of autism's origins. Public health efforts should continue to prioritize MMR vaccination to safeguard against preventable diseases without fear of associated autism risk.

"Science has spoken - MMR vaccine is not linked to autism. Let's prioritize public health and protect our communities."


  1. Vaccines and Autism - (

Source: Medindia

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