FDA Approves Cognivue Automated Cerebral Assessment System To Detect Signs of Dementia
Trained professionals use specialty assessment tools to assess cognition, detect early signs of dementia and effectiveness of therapy.
The Cognivue from Cerebral Assessment System (CAS), a Rochester, NY firm, won FDA approval effectively opening up a new category of FDA sanctioned medical devices named Cognitive Assessment Aids.
The new system allows physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and other clinicians to easily perform these kinds of assessments. The system relies on a user controlling a steering wheel-like device to follow along with different highlighted graphics being displayed on the screen.
According to CAS, "We continually change the strength of the highlighting perceptual signal by mixing that signal, designed to activate a particular cortical area, with a type of noise that impedes that activation."
The software records how accurately the patient follows along with the graphics, producing a variety of scores of how different regions of the cerebral cortex are performing.
Source: Medindia