Exoskeleton manufacturer ReWalk Robotics has announced that its ReWalk Personal System has been approved by the USFDA.
Exoskeleton manufacturer ReWalk Robotics has announced that its ReWalk Personal System has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for home use, making it the only exoskeleton to be cleared by the health regulator.
First developed by Israeli inventor Dr Amit Goffer following his ATV crash in 1997, ReWalk system can help patients with paraplegia to stand upright and walk. The system is made up of a customized metal brace that supports the legs and part of the upper body. It is fitted with motors to powers movement at the hips, knees, and ankles and comes with a backpack that contains computer and power supply. The wearer can also use crutches additional stability when walking, standing, and rising up from a chair.
“This revolutionary product will have an immediate, life-changing impact on individuals with spinal cord injuries. For the first time individuals with paraplegia will be able to take home this exoskeleton technology, use it every day and maximize on the physiological and psychological benefits we have observed in clinical trials”, ReWalk CEO Larry Jasinski said.