Around five people in China are able to lead a better life after a woman donated the organs of her 11-year old son who was brain dead following a car accident.

Her husband and her youngest son -- 11-year-old Tian Gan -- were severely injured in a car accident in January. Her husband died and her son was declared brain-dead, relying on a respirator to sustain his life, Xinhua reported.
Yuan chose to take her son off life-support and donate his organs.
Her son's liver, pancreas and small intestine were given to a 53-year-old diabetic and liver cancer patient.
His kidneys were given to two women patients aged 38 and 68, while the corneas brought sight to another two patients.
Yuan also chose to donate her son's body as well, giving it to the Medical School of Shenzhen University for educational and research purposes.
"I felt that if his organs could save just one person, his life could be extended."