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Football Fans Alert: Is Super Bowl Ruining Your Sleep?

by Adeline Dorcas on January 21, 2020 at 11:37 AM

Super bowl fans, watch out. Sitting long hours at night watching the big game on TV can rob your good night's sleep. But, if you're a football fan, it hard to get rid of the super bowl. However, it is important to prioritize your bedtime on Sunday night to avoid a tired day at work on Monday.

Fun on Super Bowl Sunday can lead to a tired Monday for many. In a new survey from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), nearly 40% of U.S. adults said they are more tired than usual the Monday after the Super Bowl. With pre-game entertainment, high-profile commercials, a star-studded halftime show and high-stakes football, the event can run well into the night.

‘Being a football fan, it hard to get rid of the super bowl. But, sitting long hours at night watching the big game on TV can make you sleep-deprived. So, make sure to prioritize your bedtime on Sunday night to avoid a tired day at work on Monday.’

"It's easy to stay up too late after enjoying a night of football, food and friends," said AASM President Dr. Kelly A. Carden. "To get the sleep you need after the Super Bowl, it is recommended that you plan ahead and prioritize your bedtime on Sunday night to avoid a tired day at work on Monday."

The AASM provides the following tips for a post-Super Bowl sleep game plan:

Source: Newswise

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