Gelatin coated electrodes used at the site of brain injury activates only a small number of inflammatory glial cells thereby reducing brain damage.

‘Use of gelatin-coated needles reduced or eliminated leakage through the blood brain barrier within twenty-four hours.’

Our brains are surrounded by a blood brain barrier which protects the brain from harmful substances that could enter it via the bloodstream. When the barrier is penetrated, as in the case of biopsy or brain surgery for example, leaks can occur and cause serious inflammation. 

Researchers at the NRC have previously shown that gelatin accelerates brain tissue healing and reduces damage to nerve cells in the case of electrode implants, but only now are they starting to understand how.
The researchers used sedated rats to investigate how the brain is repaired after being subjected to an injury. Gelatin-coated needles were used in one group, and needles without gelatin in the other.
"The use of gelatin-coated needles reduced or eliminated the leakage of molecules (which normally don't get through) through the blood brain barrier within twenty-four hours. Without gelatin, the leakage continued for up to three days", says Lucas Kumosa, one of the researchers behind the study, which was recently published in the research journal Acta Biomaterialia.
"When we used gelatin, we saw only a small number of the inflammatory microglial cells. Instead, we observed cells of a different kind, that are anti-inflammatory, which we believe could be significant in accelerating healing", explains Lucas Kumosa.
"Gelatin is a protein and its decomposition releases amino-acids that we believe could promote the reconstruction of blood vessels and tissue", explains Jens Schouenborg, professor of neurophysiology at Lund University.
Research is currently underway on how electrodes implanted in the brain could be used in the treatment of various diseases, such as epilepsy or Parkinson's. A major challenge has been to find ways of reducing damage to the area when using such implants. "Although the research field of brain electrodes is promising, it has been a challenge to find solutions that don't damage the brain tissue. Knowledge of how injuries heal faster with gelatin could therefore be significant for the development of surgical treatment as well," says Jens Schouenborg.