According to a survey conducted by YouGov, only one in 10 Americans are keen in wearing Google Glass, as some find it 'socially awkward' and others find it is 'too irritating to wear'.

According to the report, while 45 percent of the 1000 smartphone owners cited 'social awkwardness' and 'irritable to wear' as reasons that prevent them from using Google Glass, 44 percent claimed that they do not find its features desirable.
However, of the 10 percent of respondents who said that they will wear the headset regardless of its cost, 44 percent said that using the device to capture photos is its most usable and interesting feature, while 39 percent want to use it for making voice calls and 37 percent for capturing video.
BiTE Interactive's EVP of Operations Joseph Farrell said that Google has risked exposing a serious disconnect between its pioneering technology and the key problem it solves in Glass.
The Google Glass Adoption Forecast revealed several other concerns for Google's Glass strategy as majority of smartphone owners remain unconvinced that its key features will make it worth buying.