Government Exchanges are Not the Options for Health Insurance
When you live in states other than Washington, D.C. or Vermont it seems to be overlooked that you can go directly to Insurance brokers or Company web sites in most other states.
Health policies are effective from January 1st they can be sold on the exchange or privately though they have to comply with The Affordable Care Act. They will offer the same benefits of drug coverage and maternity care and be willing to cover pre-existing illnesses. Though in the federal exchange, plans come with tax subsidies which can lower premiums.
eHealth are web based brokers, who, can help with subsidy enrollments after the federal program can verify the consumer's income. Nate Purpura said this has not happened as yet because the company is still testing the system. For those not looking for subsidies there are more than a thousand plans available from at least 60 insurance companies.
Plans sold on the federal exchange have to follow the same lines as private exchanges. It is not yet clear whether you will find better deals on the private exchanges -. "I don't think we have a good sense of that," said Robert Zirkelbach, spokesman for America's Health Insurance Plans, an industry group. But, he added, it makes sense to check. While shopping off the exchanges at times the plans do not offer doctors or hospitals of your choice as many times insurers are trying to control costs by narrowing down the network.
There is still enough time to sign up on the federal government exchange as the technical team is setting right the problems that were disrupting enrollment. According to the new rules enrollment is possible till 15th of March instead of 15th of December. The states which run their own exchanges like New York and Minnesota the enrolment is easier. Enrolment is also possible by telephone or filling out a form and posting it.
It is not necessary you can keep individual plans you had earlier as, generally plans that take effect from 2014 must meet the law's requirements. Sometimes when the insurer lets you renew it before January 1st you may be able to keep it for another year without penalties. Some states do not permit insurers to renew old plans.
Hannah Punitha (IRDA Licence Number: 2710062)
Ann Carrns, Oct 2013
Source: Medindia