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  • Search Doctors

    Search for a doctor using Medindia's comprehensive listing of doctors with over 495125, doctors covering every speciality and city in India.
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  • Search Hospitals

    Medindia has around 105271 hospitals listed, making it exhaustive.
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  • Health Disease / Conditions A-Z

    This section contains over 500+ Health Information topics. A to Z listing provided for easy navigation
  • Search Pharma

    Medindia has around 8073 Pharma listed, making it exhaustive.
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  • Drug Information

    Medindia has over 2092 Drugs Information.
  • Health / Medical News

    Medindia has over 215233 latest health news items.
  • Search Chemists

    Medindia has around 29151 chemist listed, making it exhaustive.
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  • Health Calculators

    Medindia has around 138 Health/ Nutrition / Diet Calculators, making it exhaustive.
  • Disease FAQs

    Medindia has over 1445 health topic wise FAQs.
  • Search Surgical Supplier

    Medindia has around 2059 Surgical Supplier listed, making it exhaustive.
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  • Food and Nutrition Facts

    Medindia lists the nutrition facts for a given food category. All individual food items are uniformally categorized.
  • Search Acronyms

    Medindia has over 1051 Medical Acronyms.
  • Search NGOs

    Medindia has around 7566 NGOs listed, making it exhaustive.
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  • Search Syndromes

    A group of symptoms that collectively indicate or characterize a disease, psychological disorder, or other abnormal condition. Medindia enlists all major syndromes.
  • Search Medical Dictionary/Glossary

    Medindia has over 5035 Medical glossary.