Has Screen Time Increased for Young Children?
Kids younger than 6 years of age spend most of their screen time watching television, according to study that assessed screen time in young children in 1997 and in 2014, before and after mobile devices were widely available.
The study used time diary data from a representative group of American children younger than 6 who completed the time diary (1,327 children in 1997 and 443 children in 2014). In 1997, daily screen time averaged 1.3 hours for children up to age 2 and almost 2.5 hours for children 3 to 5, with the highest amount of screen time per day spent watching TV.
‘New study suggests future research look at the association between screen time and parenting style and sibling and peer influence.’
By 2014, total screen time among children up to age 2 increased to about 3 hours per day and most of that time was spent watching TV; children 3 to 5 didn't have a significant change in total screen time in 2014 but most of it was spent watching TV.
Source: Eurekalert