Health Insurance Companies Invest Billions in Fast Food Chains
Health insurers are increasing their future business by investing in companies who manufacture products that cause chronic degenerative disease thus making people go for more health insurance.
Health insurance companies are increasing their future business by investing in companies who manufacture products that cause chronic degenerative disease. This is making people drive more health care needs and thus more health insurance. U.S. and Canadian health insurance giants own nearly $2 billion worth of stock in fast food giants like McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, Taco Bell and others.
Health insurance companies' profits are reinvested in industries that make people sick and diseased, thus making them buy more health insurance. It is very common to find these unholy alliances among corporate giants that conspire to keep you sick.
Not only do the health insurance companies own billions of dollars worth of shares in fast food companies, but nowadays pharmaceutical companies also own major shares of popular vitamin companies which produce cheap, useless chemical vitamin supplements.
If the health insurance corporate giants can make extra money by feeding you with junk foods that cause cancer, diabetes and strokes, they will surely jump on that profit bandwagon no matter what the cost is in human lives, pain and suffering. This demonstrates the deeply disturbing fact about the entire sick-care-industry.
Source: Medindia