Health Insurance Options for Freelancers
Today Americans are following the trend and more of them work as independent contractors and freelancers. Many of them do part time jobs, while those who have retired work as entrepreneurs. Many of them have found it difficult to get health insurance covers. Now with The Affordable Care Act it will be easier for them.
Those under 65 years can buy a health insurance policy in the marketplace even with pre-existing illnesses - these ailments are not limited to serious illnesses like cancer or hypertension but can include asthma, depression and allergies.
With the new law where health insurance cannot be denied to those with pre-existing conditions freelancers still find it difficult to get very good deals. Freelancers can check with the Freelancers Union which may have different policies according to the states where they live, and the plans can vary from one state to the other.
Independent insurance providers are a good option at times and one can get quotes from agents or through the internet. When a spouse is employed in a company it is best to take advantage of the partners policy especially if the employer offers family health insurance. Though at times the premium may be high in the long run it will be more affordable than an individual health cover.
The new health law has many options but even then self employed workers and freelancers find it difficult to buy good health insurance. It is best to do some research on the best insurance providers and the best policy available.
Steven W. June 2014
Hannah Punitha (IRDA Licence Number: 2710062)
Source: Medindia