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Got Migraine Headache? Lemon Juice and Sea Salt can Help Within Minutes

by Sudha Bhat on April 3, 2016 at 1:26 PM
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Migraine headache could be crippling to the extent that you just want to find a dark, quiet place to lie down and rest. Nausea, vomiting, irritability, aura, extreme sensitivity to light and sound are also commonly seen.

If you suffer from migraine attacks, then here is some great news to uplift your spirits. Look no further than your own kitchen for two simple ingredients: lemon juice and sea salt; the combination of these has been shown to stop migraine headaches within minutes.

‘Migraine could literally turn an ordinary day into total disaster. Though ordinary pain killers can help somewhat, now try a combination of natural salt and lemon juice!’

The household remedy of lemon juice and Himalayan sea salt is devoid of any side effects as compared to traditional conventional medicines.

How to Prepare?

The recipe is quite simple:

Why Himalayan Sea Salt (crystal salt or pink salt)?

It is the purest and the most complete salt in the world and is available without any toxins and pollutants. Here are few of its benefits:

Why Lemon Juice?

It is known to reduce fatigue, anxiety and tension, all of which could be contributing factors for a migraine headache. They are packed with the mineral potassium, deficiency of which is known to cause migraines and tension headache.

So next time, you get that awful feeling of migraine headache and you feel your head is going to explode, wait no more! Try this easy combination of salt and lemon juice and see the magical and amazing effect it has on migraine!



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    Sudha Bhat. 2016. Got Migraine Headache? Lemon Juice and Sea Salt can Help Within Minutes. Medindia, viewed Sep 20, 2024,

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