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Novel Agent Inhibits Complement and Reduces Nerve Cell Damage Following Stroke

by Dr. Lakshmi Venkataraman on May 17, 2018 at 5:16 PM
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New stroke therapy developed that locally inhibits complement around stroke area minimizing tissue injury and damage, but does not affect functioning of complement in other areas of the body. This novel therapy has been created by a team of investigators at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) and successfully tested in a preclinical model. Their findings of the study appear in an article published online in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

Aim of New Complement Inhibitor Therapy

The team believe that the inhibition of complement will limit neuronal damage to the core area of stroke while preventing the extension of damage to the adjacent areas, thereby increasing the area of brain involved.

"There's an ischemic core where the greatest oxygen deprivation occurs during an ischemic stroke. Neurons in that area are irreparably damaged and die. But damaged neurons outside the stroke core can be salvaged," explains principal investigator and senior author Stephen Tomlinson, Ph.D., professor and vice chair for research and faculty development in MUSC's Department of Microbiology & Immunology.

‘Novel complement inhibitor B4Crry seems to be safe and more effective in reducing brain damage and neurological deficits following stroke.’

"Unfortunately, complement becomes activated and signals that these damaged neurons should be cleared from the brain before they get a chance to recover."

Analyzing Effect of Complement in Stroke

The study team did a series of experiments to outline the role of complement in stroke since it contributes to neuro-degenerative as well as neuro-regenerative processes. During these tests, they found that microglial phagocytosis (ingestion by microglia) of neurons, a previously described phenomenon also occurs after stroke.

"We were seeing neuronal material inside the microglial cells and, at first, we thought it must be some sort of artifact. It was a surprise," says Alawieh "So, we repeated the experiment several times to be sure that phagocytosis of live neurons was really what was happening. We didn't previously know that occurred in the perilesional area after stroke."

Why Brain Tissue Adjacent to Stroke Area Becomes Damaged

The cells injured and destroyed by stroke release harmful chemicals into the adjacent area and these neurons temporarily go into a "shut-down mode" as a protective response. The patient's immune system including complement mistakenly recognizes these non-functioning cells as damaged cells that have to be cleared and thus these normal cells are also eliminated (increasing the area of injury).

Therefore, in stroke, complement becomes pathological and inappropriately marks live neurons for elimination.

Testing Complement Inhibitor Therapy in Preclinical Model - Study Details

Potential Merits of the Novel B4Crry Agent

"This inhibitor is specifically targeted to the site of injury in the brain so it can be administered at a dose that does not impact systemic complement activity," explains Tomlinson. "That way we don't affect the patient's complement system immune mechanism and don't increase the risk for infections such as pneumonia. The perilesional area is a therapeutic target for stroke treatments because that's where neurons can be still salvaged. Complement is deposited and microglia attack neurons that could otherwise recover their function. We found that B4Crry prevented microglial phagocytosis of these live neurons."

Scope of Study and Future Plans

The team has already investigated the role of this approach in other conditions, such as cardiovascular disease

They plan to further study complement inhibition treatment in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) to understand how complement-dependent mechanisms impact the prognosis of TBI

They have demonstrated that the B4 epitope is expressed on other damaged human tissues as well and plan to take forward B4Crry therapy in clinical trials with human patients in the near future.

  1. Ali Alawieh, E. Farris Langley and Stephen Tomlinson, "Targeted complement inhibition salvages stressed neurons and inhibits neuroinflammation after stroke in mice", Science Translational Medicine (2018) DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aao6459

Source: Medindia

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