Sugar substitutes thought to be safe sugar alternatives can trigger glucose intolerance and increase blood glucose levels.

Immunologist Eran Elinav and computational biologist Eran Segal identified changes in the composition and function of mice gut microbiome after the mice consumed sugar substitutes. According to the researchers, these changes are similar to those linked to obesity and diabetes in humans. The team observed that sugar substitutes have a direct impact and effect on the body’s ability to utilize glucose. Glucose intolerance is the body’s inability to cope with large amounts of sugar in the diet and this is the first indication pointing to the onset of adult diabetes.
In the mice experiment, the scientists gave mice water with sugar substitutes (amount equivalent to those permitted by the U.S Food and Drug Administration – FDA). These mice developed glucose intolerance as compared those mice that drank just water or sugar water.
To confirm this finding with humans, the researchers gave 7 healthy individuals (without a history of sugar substitute consumption) a high dose of saccharin (5 milligrams/kilogram of body weight which is the FDA’s maximum acceptable intake per day) on 6 consecutive days. Of these, 4 individuals showed signs of glucose intolerance.
Similarly in a cohort of 381 non-diabetic volunteers, the researchers found that those who regularly consumed sugar substitutes in high amounts showed higher fasting blood glucose levels (FBS), poorer glucose tolerance and different gut microbiome profiles as against those who did not use these sugar substitutes.
Based on the findings from human data, the researchers reported that sugar substitutes or artificial sweeteners “may have directly contributed to enhancing the exact (diabetes) epidemic that they themselves were intended to fight” (Nature). The study points out evidence that sugar substitutes/artificial sweeteners are not that safe after all and must be used with some caution given its links to increasing the risk of diabetes.