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Altering Protein Intake Can Cut Down Risk of Heart Disease

by Julia Samuel on December 21, 2017 at 1:38 PM
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Replacing one to two servings of animal protein with plant protein can reduce the risk of heart disease. Three main cholesterol markers in the blood which are risk factors for heart disease are lowered.

Diet plays a major role in disease prevention, especially in non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and their markers. Various types of diet and the modifications in the daily diet

‘Substituting one to two servings of animal proteins with plant proteins every day could lead to a small reduction in the three main cholesterol markers for cardiovascular disease prevention.’

The health benefits could be even greater if people combined plant proteins with other cholesterol-lowering foods such as viscous, water-soluble fibers from oats, barley and psyllium, and plant sterols, said lead author Dr. John Sievenpiper of St. Michael's Hospital.

Three Weeks of Plant Protein Instead of Meat, Dairy

Dr. Sievenpiper led a systematic review and meta-analysis of 112 randomized control trials in which people substituted plant proteins for some animal proteins in their diets for at least three weeks.

Dr. Sievenpiper said the review indicated that replacing one to two servings of animal proteins with plant proteins every day - primarily soy, nuts, and pulses (dried peas and beans, lentils and chickpeas) - could reduce the main cholesterol markers by about 5 percent.

"That may not sound like much, but because people in North America eat very little plant protein, there is a real opportunity here to make some small changes to our diets and realize the health benefits," said Dr. Sievenpiper, a clinician scientist with the hospital's Clinical Nutrition and Risk Modification Centre.

Dr. Sievenpiper said previous studies have shown the cholesterol-lowering benefits of individual foods or food groups, but that this paper looked at the benefits of substituting any plant proteins for animal proteins. Most of the randomized control trials they studied used soy (plant) proteins to replace dairy (animal) proteins.

"We are seeing a major interest in plant-based diets from the Mediterranean to vegetarian diets in the supermarket and the clinic, and this comprehensive analysis of the highest level of evidence from randomized trials provides us with more confidence that these diets are heart healthy," said Dr. Sievenpiper.

Reduces Cholesterol Levels

The study looked at the impact of replacing animal protein with plant protein of three key markers for cholesterol: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL or "bad" cholesterol, which contributes to fatty buildups in arteries and raises the risk for heart attack, stroke and peripheral artery disease); non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C, or total cholesterol minus HDL or healthy/good cholesterol) and apolipoprotein B (the proteins in bad cholesterol that clog arteries).

Those who swap processed meats and fatty foods for a mostly plant-based diet are 42 percent less likely to develop heart failure, it was found. A diet which includes whole grains, fish, beans, and dark green leafy plants lead to a heart-healthy lifestyle, scientists from Icahn School of Medicine in New York said.

Reduced Risk of Cancer

Swapping dairy for soy products could substantially reduce a person's risk of getting cancer.

Chances Of Nutrient Deficiency

London-based nutritionist Rob Hobson warns cutting out milk and dairy increases the risk of serious health problems like osteoporosis later in life. He said, "The problem is that milk and dairy products are an important source of several key nutrients. Cutting out on the foods reduces the intake of calcium and iodine - raising the risk of deficiencies." Dairy products are also a useful source of iodine - a micronutrient important for women during pregnancy and young children that contributes to growth and brain development. Completely avoiding dairy could be a risk for other deficiencies.


  1. Dr. John Sievenpiper et al., �New study suggests health benefits of swapping animal proteins for plant proteins.'Journal of the American Heart Association. (2017).

Source: Medindia

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