Cervical Cancer Awareness Month 2022

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month 2022

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Cervical health awareness month is observed in January every year to highlight the ill effects of invasive cervical cancer and its preventive measures.

  • Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable and treatable forms of cancer, despite its alarming mortality rates
  • January is celebrated as cervical health awareness month to signify the deadly impacts of cervical cancer
  • The day helps inculcate important measures to prevent cervical cancer and thereby promote women health
Cervical health awareness month is designated in January every year by The United States to emphasize the importance of cervical cancer.


What is Cervical Cancer?

Any malignancy of the cervix (lowermost part of the uterus) is called cervical cancer. The predominant cause of cervical cancer is due to HPV (human papillomavirus) infection, transmitted through sexual contact.
Low- and middle-income countries hold the highest incidence rates and mortality rates(~90%) from cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer, if detected early through regular screening, can be prevented by vaccinating against the high-risk HPV variants. Early detection also allows for effective management of the condition, making cervical cancer the most preventable and treatable form of cancer.


Burden of Cervical Cancer

It has been estimated that nearly 604,000 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer globally in 2020 and 342,000 suffered mortality from the disease.

The United States records beyond 14,000 women with invasive cervical cancer annually. However, with proper screening and vaccination against cervical cancer, the disease is preventable.


Organizational Efforts

The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) — Dr.TedrosAdhanomGhebreyesus made a global call in May 2018 for eliminating cervical cancer.

The World Health Organization had also launched the Cervical Cancer Elimination Initiative in 2020 with three pillars: 90% of girls vaccinated by age 15; 70% of women screened by age 35; and 90% of women with pre-cancer managed or with cancer treated.

Non-profit organizations like National Cervical Cancer Coalition (NCCC) along with its local chapters, and American Sexual Health Association (ASHA) strive to bring light to cervical cancer, its importance and early detection, and HPV disease throughout January.

These organizations also provide a range of educational resources, fact sheets, podcasts (ASHA’s Sex+Health) for the public and healthcare providers on cervical health. The month serves as a special focus to spread the word on cervical health among the communities.

Elle Smith — an American model, beauty pageant, and journalist, who was crowned Miss USA 2021 is also an NCCC chapter leader for promoting cervical cancer awareness.

Join Hands to Prevent Cervical Cancer

Global support to research may help formulate new and effective therapies to treat this cancer. One can easily join in this joint motive to advocate the increased knowledge of cervical cancer and HPV diseases. Some of the measures include:
  • Contacting the local media for coverage and press release of cervical health awareness month.
  • Send proclamations to the local legislative office for publicly recognizing the awareness drive.
  • Display and distribute posters on social media regarding cervical cancer awareness month and share prevention messages on cervical cancer.
  • You may use hashtags like #CervicalHealthMonth to get involved and mark a difference.
The month strives to mark that not a single woman ever dies from cervical cancer. Let us join the noble motive to prevent cervical cancer and save lives.

  1. Cervical Health Awareness Month - (
  2. Cervical Cancer Awareness Month: 2022 Immunotherapy Research Updates - (
  3. Cervical Health Awareness Month - (
  4. Cervical Health Awareness Month: Information, Research, Patient Services, Advocacy - (












