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Chandipura Virus Infection in Children: What You Need to Know

by Dr. Preethi Balasubramanian on July 18, 2024 at 3:45 PM
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The Chandipura virus is a vector-borne pathogen transmitted through the bites of mosquitoes, ticks, and sandflies. Primarily affecting children in India, Chandipura virus infection causes acute encephalitis, a severe inflammation of the brain. First identified in 1965 in the Chandipura district of Maharashtra during an outbreak of cerebral fever, the virus has since been recognized as a significant public health concern in the region. (1).

Causes of Chandipura Virus Infection

The Chandipura virus is transmitted through the bite of infected vectors, primarily sandflies. However, mosquitoes, ticks, and even drain flies can also carry the virus.

Did You Know?
Chandipura virus primarily affects children in India, causing acute encephalitis. #medindia’

Symptoms of Chandipura Virus Infection

The symptoms of Chandipura virus infection typically include:

It's important to note that these symptoms can also be indicative of other illnesses, so it's crucial to seek medical attention for proper diagnosis.

Mechanism of Chandipura Virus Infection

Once the virus enters the human body through a vector bite, it replicates and spreads to the brain. The exact mechanism of how the virus causes inflammation in the brain is still under investigation. However, it is believed to trigger an immune response that leads to damage to the brain tissue.

Prevention of Chandipura Virus Infection

Preventing Chandipura virus infection primarily involves measures to control the vector population. This includes:

Treatment of Chandipura Virus Infection

There is currently no specific antiviral treatment for Chandipura virus infection. Treatment focuses on managing the symptoms and complications associated with encephalitis. This may include:

It's crucial to seek medical attention immediately if you suspect a Chandipura virus infection or observe the mentioned symptoms, especially in children. Early diagnosis and treatment can improve the chances of recovery.


  1. Changing clinical scenario in Chandipura virus infection - (

Source: Medindia

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