International Childhood Cancer Day - Even One Child’s Death Is Not Acceptable

International Childhood Cancer Day - Even One Child’s Death Is Not Acceptable

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International Childhood Cancer Day is observed globally on the 15th of February to raise awareness about childhood cancer, support children and their families battling cancer and fight for equal access to treatment for all.

  • International Childhood Cancer Day observed worldwide on the 15th of February aims to raise childhood cancer awareness and support and fight for these children to get affordable quality treatment
  • Childhood cancer remains the leading cause of death in children due to non-infectious causes throughout the world. Each year, more than 300,000 children are diagnosed with cancer around the world
  • The International Childhood Cancer Day campaign is determined to reduce the disparity in survival rates of children in low and middle-income countries (80% deaths) compared to developed nations (80% survival)
International Childhood Cancer Day observed globally on the 15th of February every year aims to create awareness about childhood cancer, support children and their families battling cancer and fight for equal access to treatment for all.


About International Childhood Cancer Day

This annual event was founded by Childhood Cancer International (CCI), comprising a worldwide network of 188 grassroots and parent organizations in 93 countries, across 5 continents. CCI is the world’s biggest network fighting for childhood cancer rights.

It was launched in 2002 and since then has grown in size with the support of several institutions and organizations including the WHO, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, ICPCN (International Children’s Palliative Care Network) among others.


Main Goals of Childhood Cancer International & Its Partners

Every child with cancer and its family should have the following undeniable rights:
  • Early and correct diagnosis
  • Access to affordable and best quality lifesaving drugs
  • Quality medical care and treatment
  • Regular follow up care, and sustainable career and work opportunities for cancer survivors
  • Most importantly, the 2019 campaign focuses on proper pain management and palliative care for children with cancer


Gold Ribbon - Symbol of Childhood Cancer Campaign

The gold ribbon has been designed as the logo for cancer. It symbolizes that ‘children are more precious than gold.Like gold they go through the test of fire and emerge stronger and more resilient after facing the tough and challenging demands of cancer.

Childhood Cancer Campaign honors and celebrates the heroes of cancer which include:
  • Kids who face cancer courageously and beat it
  • Their families who struggle with them and face numerous hardships
  • Families who have lost a child and live on and dedicate their life to inspire other people
  • Healthcare personnel and volunteers who offer their time and efforts to support the campaign and make a difference

What We Can Do to Show Our Support & Raise Childhood Cancer Awareness

This year, 2019 focuses on reducing pain in children with cancer and improving palliative cancer services which are sadly lacking in many countries (65.6%).
  • Use social media such as Facebook and Twitter to post and widely share inspiring messages about children with cancer, their journey and experiences and how to beat cancer
  • Download material from the internet about childhood palliative care services using the hashtag #NoMorePain as well as #ICCD2019 when posting on social media
  • Make a personal contribution or collect money and donate for cancer research
  • Visit a childhood cancer ward and distribute toys and gifts to brighten their day
  • A celebrity musician or actor can show his support for the movement by organizing a free show for these kids and cheer them up
  • Display prominent messages about childhood cancer in hospitals and clinics
  • Decorate our office building or workspace with gold themed colors to show our solidarity to childhood cancer day
  • Sell gold colored themed goods such as bracelets, mugs, pins and brooches, or mugs and donate the proceeds to charity
  • Parents should not neglect any chronic troubling symptoms such as fever, or any lumps or swelling in the body, constant tiredness, or repeated infections and immediately consult a doctor

Childhood Cancer - Startling Facts

  • Childhood cancer is less common (less than 1%) but each year, still 300,000 children worldwide are diagnosed
  • It is the leading cause of death due to non-infectious causes among children in both developing and developed nations
  • Very few preventable risk factors in childhood cancers are identifiable unlike adult cancers
  • Using highly toxic chemotherapy in children causes survivors to suffer debilitating conditions
  • Death rates of childhood cancer are very high in developing nations compared to developed countries
  • Many children in low and middle-income countries die due to delayed or wrong diagnosis; it can be cured with early diagnosis and prompt treatment


Let us support and stand united in this global campaign against childhood cancer. According to the UN Child Rights, “Children have the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and facilities for the treatment of illness and rehabilitation of health”.

  1. About International Childhood Cancer Day - (












