A new smell test is developed by a research team at the Rockefeller University that can help in early detection of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
- The ability to detect odor vary greatly between people.
- Smell loss may reflect neurological disorder.

An underappreciated skill
People suffer from smell loss for various reasons -- a head trauma or sinus infection, for example, or even a common cold -- and the cause can be as hard to pinpoint as the condition itself.
Both the medical community and the people affected by smell loss can be prone to overlook it. "Olfies," says Pradhan a participant in the test, referring to people with a normal sense of smell, "think not having a sense of smell just affects our ability to detect gas leaks, smoke, and bad body odor. But it deprives us of so much more, including emotions and memories that are so intimate and integral to the human experience."
A handful of tests already exist for diagnosing people like her. One problem with these tests is that they rely on a patient’s ability to detect and identify single types of odor molecules, such as rose-scented phenylethyl alcohol. However, the ability to detect odors and to recognize them can vary greatly between people. So, someone with an otherwise normal sense of smell may not be able to detect the rose molecule. Meanwhile, another person who can smell roses but is from an area where these flowers are scarce may struggle to put a name to the scent. In either case, there is the potential for misdiagnosis, particularly when testing across different populations and countries.
The problem of smell
Hsieh and colleagues set out to eliminate these potential biases with the help of "white smells," made by mixing many odors together to produce something unfamiliar. Just as a combination of wavelengths of light produces white light, and many frequencies of sound make up white noise, the team generated white smells from assortments of 30 different odor molecules. Their two new tests ask patients to distinguish white smells with overlapping ingredients and to detect white smells at increasingly lower concentrations.
Clinical trials conducted at The Rockefeller University Hospital and Taichung Veterans General Hospital in Taiwan showed that the new tests detected smell loss more reliably than conventional options. The results, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, open up the possibility of a new means to detect smell loss worldwide. It could be used for detection of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, says Hsieh, now a resident at the Geneva University Hospitals in Switzerland.
New smell test could aid early detection of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s - (https://www.rockefeller.edu/news/20624-new-smell-test-aid-early-detection-alzheimers-parkinsons/)