From dental cavities to high cost treatments and bleeding gums; there are some things your dentist probably won’t share with you. Read on to find out more…

• People assume that if nothing in their mouth hurts, they’re fine. High blood pressure doesn’t hurt either, but it doesn’t mean you’re okay.
• Most patients suffer from decay and dental issues in their back teeth. Clearly, they clean only what the others can see.
• People arrive at the dentist’s with a mouthful of decayed teeth and claim that they have their grandfather’s ‘soft teeth’. Honestly, there’s no such thing as soft teeth.
• If your body parts start to bleed when you wash them, you’d run to a doctor. But you delay visits to the dentists when your gums bleed. Isn’t the mouth a part of your body?
• Toothpastes have limitations. New whitening toothpastes can get rid of surface stains, but eventually, your teeth will end up being the same as before.
• Proper oral health requires ten minutes of brushing and cleaning. Most adults barely reach above 5 minutes; children are worse.
• Kids having dental problems are ill-behaved at school. Teachers complain of such kids being distracted and restless, but actually, they’re just suffering from toothaches.
• Tongue piercing is dangerous. There’s hardly anyone who has had a tongue piercing and hasn’t had a chipped front teeth. In some cases, dentists have to cut out a portion of the tongue because the infection becomes so severe.
• Extraction of upper molars doesn’t affect brain function and cause loss of vision.
• People are worried that dental X-rays can cause cancer; but actually, you’re exposed to much more radiation outside a clinic than while getting an X-ray done.
• Strange but true - Mis-aligned teeth can cause migraine headaches. Aligning them properly can help the headache go away.
• Bleeding gums is a sign of diabetes.
• Teeth get whiter when they dry out. Some treatments promise to give you 4 shades whiter teeth, but in the reality, you could get two shades whiter teeth just from dehydration.
• The smell of your breath can be a clue to diabetes, bronchitis and lung infections.
• If you bleach your teeth too often, you can end up stripping a large portion of your tooth enamel.
• Cosmetic dentistry works only on a healthy mouth. You can’t build a house on a swamp.
• People often assume that the more a dentist charges, the better he is. In reality, however, there’s no co-relation between the two of them.
• Silver fillings do release a small amount of mercury through wear and tear, but you would need around 300 fillings to be done to cause a small damage to your body.
• Composite fillings are popular, but metal fillings are more durable and resistant.
• Bacteria that cause cavities spread through saliva. So don’t share your spoon with your kin.
• To reduce the bacteria in your mouth, chew 6-7 chewing gums containing xylitol (a sugar substitute) a day.