Simple Ways to Deal with Mommy Burnout

Simple Ways to Deal with Mommy Burnout

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Mommy burnout: Balancing work and taking care of baby can lead to stress and burnout in new moms. Here are a few tips on how to recover from mom burnout.


  • Mommy burnout occurs when mothers are unable to handle too much stress
  • Too many responsibilities and inability to complete all the daily chores within the stipulated time can cause feelings of exhaustion or burnout in most new moms
  • Setting boundaries and sharing daily tasks with the family members could be the key to recover from mommy burnout
Mommy burnout is generally a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. If left untreated, burnout can become a part of your day-to-day life, thereby leading to anxiety or depression. But, relax, mommy burnout is preventable. //
Feeding, burping, diaper changes, odd hourly night cries, spit-ups, followed by clean-ups, pumping sessions, bottle washing-the list of chores is endless with a baby, but the hours in a day and helping hand are always limited.

Every new mother goes through phases where she's awake in the middle of the night, fatigued beyond her own understanding with a baby that refuses to sleep beyond 45 minutes or without being strapped to her chest. She silently cries to herself with an aching body, an uneasy mind, and feelings of overwhelm as physical exhaustion refuses to leave her while emotional overburden seems to have no outlet.

This, in a true sense, is mommy burnout. Mommy burnout does not happen overnight. It's gradual, spread across several days and nights. In the most invisible way, it takes over the new mother, leaving her praying for a way out for some self-comfort.

Common Symptoms of Mom Burnout

While symptoms of mommy burnout could be endless, some common ones are:
  • Loss or increase in appetite
  • A feeling of helplessness and loneliness
  • Excessive anger or short temper
  • Constant screaming or crying
  • Unexplained irritability or anxiety, trouble controlling thoughts that seem to be racing
  • Exhaustion, low energy, and lack of interest in the surroundings
  • Inability to sleep
  • Feeling resentful towards life (including baby)

Steps to Tackle Mommy Burnout:

Setting boundaries is the key to reversing mommy burnout. It is also essential to take help from those around you and understand that 'doing it all' does not make you a better mother.
  • Take help with feeding the baby. Use the bottle; allow the mother to take some rest on days where cluster feeding is a pattern.
  • Dedicate chores of the house to other family members in the house. Hire help if it is feasible.
  • Self-care is a method to tank you up from depleted energy levels. Take that walk, go for that manicure, meet that friend for coffee, and make that phone call.
  • Set realistic parenting and self-expectations. Do what works for you and your baby. Not what your parent or sister or neighbor did with their baby.
  • Limit guests and visitors in the house. Have clear demarcation on days when people visit to see the baby and limit setting up the house or organizing snacks for them to a bare minimum.
  • Allow the house to be messy, the older child that screen time, your meals to be simpler, your clothes to be simple, and expectations of those around you to be shattered if they must be since you do not owe an explanation to anyone in this phase with a baby.
However, the good news is mommy burnout is preventable. So, enjoy your motherhood and say good-bye to mommy burnout by spending some time with your baby, family and friends .












