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Smoking Rates Surge Among Teen Girls: Unpacking the Causes and Risks

by Dr. Krishanga on May 29, 2024 at 10:51 AM
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Despite a national decline in tobacco consumption, a concerning trend has emerged: smoking has more than doubled among teenage girls, according to the latest India Tobacco Control report by the Union Health Ministry. This uptick in adolescent smoking contrasts sharply with the decline in smoking among adult women, signaling a troubling shift in tobacco use demographics (1).

The Smoke Spiral in Girls

The report highlights a significant increase in smoking among adolescent girls over the past decade. Between 2009 and 2019, smoking rates in girls rose by 3.8 percentage points, reaching 6.2%. In comparison, smoking among boys increased by 2.3 percentage points. This alarming rise in teen smoking occurs against a backdrop of a general decline in smoking among adults-by 2.2 percentage points in men and 0.4 percentage points in women.

Did You Know?
Smoking among teen girls is up by 3.8% in India in just a decade. #teenhealth #smoking #medindia’

The prevalence of smoking in girls (6.2% in 2019) far exceeds that in adult women (1.5% in 2017), suggesting that the next generation is increasingly susceptible to nicotine addiction.

Why Is Smoking Increasing in Girls?

Several factors contribute to the rising smoking rates among teenage girls:

Health Risks among Smoking Teenagers

The health risks associated with smoking are well-documented and severe:

A Vision for 2040: Anti-Tobacco Measure

The report includes a 2040 vision document outlining strategies to curb youth smoking. Key recommendations include:

The rise in smoking among teenage girls is a multifaceted issue requiring comprehensive strategies. Targeted interventions, stringent regulations on media depiction, and robust public health campaigns are essential to reverse this trend and safeguard the health of future generations. The 2040 vision offers a roadmap, but its success depends on coordinated efforts across society, government, and industry.


  1. The Health Consequences of Tobacco Use Among Young People - (

Source: Medindia

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