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Stem Cell Research Promises 120+ Years of Quality Living

by Dr. Krishanga on September 29, 2023 at 3:42 PM
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Ever wonder what it would be like to blow out 120 candles on your birthday cake? Dr. Ernst von Schwarz certainly does. He's not just dreaming of a world where centenarians are the new norm; he's on a mission to make it a reality.

Dr. Ernst von Schwarz, a distinguished triple board-certified internist, cardiologist, and heart transplant cardiologist, associated with esteemed medical institutions, envisions a future where humans may substantially extend their lifespans. He firmly believes that recent breakthroughs in stem cell research hold the key to achieving this ambitious goal.

From Fatal Diseases to Extended Longevity

Since the turn of the 20th century, the human lifespan has witnessed remarkable progress, thanks to monumental strides in scientific and healthcare advancements. Vaccines, along with the establishment of advanced treatment facilities, have transformed once-deadly diseases into manageable conditions, revolutionizing the prospects of human survival. This remarkable progress has set the stage for even greater strides in the years to come.

Regenerative Medicine and the Promise of Stem Cell Therapies

Dr. Ernst von Schwarz underscores the paradigm shift from reactive to regenerative medicine, where the application of stem cell therapies plays a pivotal role. Although stem cell therapies are currently awaiting FDA approval, they hold tremendous potential in repairing damage, potentially slowing down the aging process and ushering in an era of extended and active human lifespans. Dr. Ernst's bold vision aligns with a future where individuals not only live longer but also lead fulfilling and vibrant lives, actively participating in social and professional spheres (1).

‘France's Jeanne Calment, at 122, is history's oldest human. Dr. Ernst envisions 150 as the new frontier. #longlife #longevity#medindia’

"France's Jeanne Calment, at 122, is history's oldest human. Dr. Ernst envisions 150 as the new frontier."


  1. The 46th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation: Physicians Poster Session (P001-P706) - (

Source: Medindia

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