World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2022 — Let’s Act Together

World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2022 — Let’s Act Together

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World Day for Safety and Health at Work, observed on 28th April every year, is a global campaign that encourages a safe and healthy workplace.

  • The International Labour Organization (ILO) began observing World Day for Safety and Health at Work on April 28, 2003
  • The day aimed to prevent the risk of accidents and diseases in the workplace and promote a safe and healthy workplace for every worker worldwide
  • This year’s focus will be on building a safe and healthy workplace culture by combining everyone in the society
World Day for Safety and Health at Work is celebrated annually on 28th April to prevent the incidence of occupational accidents and diseases globally.
This awareness-raising campaign grabs international attention on the magnitude of the problem and also shows how promoting and creating a safe and healthy workplace culture can reduce the number of work-related deaths and injuries (1 Trusted Source
2022 World Day for Safety and Health at Work and Workers’ Memorial Day

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How it Started?

In 2003, The International Labour Organization (ILO) started to observe “The World Day for Safety and Health at Work” to emphasize the prevention of accidents and diseases at work, using its policy of negotiation, consultation, and information exchange between governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations (2 Trusted Source
World Day for Safety and Health at Work 28 April

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This celebration is also considered an important part of the Global Strategy on Occupational Safety and Health, which resulted from the International Labour Conference in June 2003.

One of the main pillars of the Global Strategy is advocacy and so World Day for Safety and Health at Work is used as a tool to raise awareness of how to make the workplace safe and healthy and of the need to increase the political profile of occupational safety and health.

April 28th is also observed as the International Commemoration Day, which honors dead and injured workers, organized worldwide by the trade union movement since 1996 (2 Trusted Source
World Day for Safety and Health at Work 28 April

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100 Years of Experience on Occupational Safety and Health

  • Nearly 2.8 million workers worldwide die every year as a result work-related injuries and, more often, illnesses (86%) (3 Trusted Source
    100 years of OSH: ILO spotlights past, present and future ahead of annual World Day for Safety and Health at Work

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  • An additional 374 million suffer nonfatal injuries and illnesses related to work annually.
  • The total lost days of work from work-related injuries and illnesses equals almost 4% of the world’s gross domestic product.
  • Circulatory diseases (31%), cancers (26%), and respiratory diseases (17%) contribute to nearly three-quarters of work-related deaths.
  • Among adults, about 25% of hearing loss and 20% of lower back and neck pain are contributed by work-related exposures.


It’s Time to Act Together

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the active participation of governments, employers, workers, and all relevant parties, has been crucial in protecting working environments and safeguarding the safety and health of workers (4 Trusted Source
Healthy and Safe Teleworking beyond the COVID-19 pandemic

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This was possible only through social dialogue in all phases of occupational safety and health (OSH)-related decision-making processes. Social dialogue not only contributes to improving OSH policies but also eases the way for rapid and more effective implementation.

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2022 focuses on enhancing social dialogue toward a culture of safety and health in the workplace (5 Trusted Source
IWMD events

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In a workplace with a strong OSH culture, workers feel comfortable raising concerns about possible OSH risks or hazards. Management also actively collaborates with workers to find appropriate, effective, and sustainable solutions. This requires open communication built on trust and mutual respect.

As we continue to live through a global health crisis and face ongoing OSH risks in the workplace environment, we must move toward building a strong safety and health culture at all levels.

How to Observe the Day?

There are many ways to observe World Day for Safety and Health at Work and they are as follows ():
  • Invite a workplace safety expert to your office to conduct specialized training.
  • Create safety training activities with your staff.
  • Use hashtags #WorldDayForSafety or #WorkSafe on social media.
  • Discuss workplace safety and health in meetings.
  • Attend a nearby worker’s day safety event.
Though Government is responsible for providing the infrastructure, laws, and services that ensure workers remain employable and enterprises flourish, employers too must ensure that the working environment is safe and healthy for all workers and employees.

Workers should also work safely and protect themselves and not endanger others, know their rights, and participate in the implementation of preventive measures.

Don’t forget!!! A safe and healthy workplace is the responsibility of each of us on this World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2022.

  1. 2022 World Day for Safety and Health at Work and Workers’ Memorial Day - (
  2. World Day for Safety and Health at Work 28 April - (
  3. 100 years of OSH: ILO spotlights past, present and future ahead of annual World Day for Safety and Health at Work - (
  4. Healthy and Safe Teleworking beyond the COVID-19 pandemic - (
  5. World Day for Safety and Health at Work - (
  6. IWMD events - (












