World First Aid Day 2021 – “First Aid and Road Safety”

World First Aid Day 2021 – “First Aid and Road Safety”

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World First Aid Day (WFAD) is annually observed on 11th September 2021 to raise awareness on the significance of first aid in saving lives.

  • World First Aid Day (WFAD) is observed on the second Saturday of September annually
  • This year the day falls on 11 September 2021 with a global theme – “First aid and road safety”
  • The global event invites everyone to learn the first aid measures for saving lives of the injured in every day and a crisis situation
World First Aid Day (WFAD) is annually observed on the second Saturday of September. This year the day falls on 11 September 2021. The day intends to raise awareness of the significance of first aid in saving lives.


What is First Aid?

The term ‘First Aid’ denotes the primary medical help that is provided to anyone at the site of injury, or suffering from any disease, or damage/immediately after an accident, till professional help arrives.
The main primary goal of first aid is to protect life and stop the status from worsening. Any person may render first aid in an emergency, regardless of educational background. It doesn’t always oblige medical personnel to help.

All it demands is the confidence to step in and contribute help in dire emergencies. First aid is not a replacement for emergency services but a vital primary step for increasing the chances of survival. It is thereby mandatory to carry the first aid kit at home and while traveling as well.



The background timeline of first aid dates back to 160 years ago. A young Geneva businessman called Henry Dunant (1828–1910) once witnessed the carnage (horrifying suffering and pain) of almost 40,000 people at the battle of Solferino, northern Italy on 24 June 1859.

The sight left the man horrified and made him inscribe these moments in his book – Memoirs of Solferino. The book was based on Dunant's idea for an independent organization to care for wounded soldiers as he secured them with the necessary materials and the establishment of temporary hospitals.

This inspired the formation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in the year 1863 and he later became the co-founder of Red Cross. Ever since his discovery, first aid remains important in everyday life with emerging human suffering, household accidents, and war injuries almost everywhere.

To furnish fundamental care through vital humanitarian action, World First Aid Day was finally established in 2000 by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). Since then, the day has been celebrated to raise awareness on first aid.


Importance of First Aid

One of the leading reasons for death among Canadians (age group 1-44 years) is unintentional injuries. Almost 27% of all deaths demand medical attention, as per a report. If primary care is given to the victim within the hour of injury, nearly 50% of all road accident deaths can be prevented.

Possessing the skills to respond promptly in an emergency can assist in saving lives and reduce the impact of an injury. Hence a time-provided first aid serves as a deciding factor between life and death.

First aid does not certainly expect any prior technical knowledge but mandates awareness of the person performing first aid. They must know what they are doing; else they may end up hurting the injured one rather than helping.

About 40% of Canadians reported that they have been in an emergency where they had to perform first aid as per polling by the Red Cross. But only 18% are currently certified. Hence IFRC urges everyone to undergo basic first aid training or at least educate themselves using any available reliable sources.

World First Aid Day: The Objectives

  • The first aim of World First Aid Day is to render necessary actions to save the life of injured or diseased people.
  • The second aim is to handle the condition of an injured person by giving first aid and try to avoid infection.
  • The third aim is to take the injured person immediately to the hospital before any mishappening.

Event Organization

The international day is designed by more than 100 Red Cross and Red Crescent societies around the world to increase awareness and encourage accessibility to first aid training for everyone (

Every year, a new global theme for the day is chosen to invite participants to engage in various events and activities (concept notes, quizzes, description of activities to be run, posters, leaflets) as per the theme.

This year, 2021 theme for World First Aid Day 2021 is “First aid and road safety”. The day focuses on equipping everyone with the basic knowledge (including CPR training courses) and skills to effectively respond for first aid to the injured ones and save the lives of the injured every day and in a crisis situation.

Basic First-aid Kit Must Haves

  • Different sizes and shapes of plasters
  • Small, medium, and large sterile gauze dressings
  • At least 2 sterile eye dressings
  • Triangular bandages
  • Crepe rolled bandages
  • Safety pins
  • Disposable sterile gloves
  • Tweezers
  • Scissors
  • Alcohol-free cleansing wipes
  • Sticky tape
  • Thermometer (preferably digital)
  • Skin rash creams, such as hydrocortisone or calendula
  • Cream or spray to relieve insect bites and stings
  • Antiseptic cream
  • Painkillers such as paracetamol, or ibuprofen
  • Antihistamine cream or tablets
  • Distilled water for cleaning wounds
  • Eyewash and eye bath
  • Basic first aid manual or instruction booklet (if required)
  • Regular medicines (if needed with due expiry date)

RED Talk for WFAD

September 10 The IFRC has arranged a RED talk – a live online event for World first aid day! The program concentrates on first aid training at school for this special day.

It is to be hosted on 10th September @ 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm UTC+0 on IRFC social media. The day also encourages teaching children basic medical skills through a series of interactive activities.

Furnish Yourself to Save lives

Employ yourself in acquiring the first aid measures for saving the life of others and even yourself at times. One can get connected online, post, and share knowledge on social media using the hashtag #WorldFirstAidDay.

First aid is for everyone, with no age bar. The more people are trained in first aid, the better they can take speedy and efficient action to decrease serious injuries, spot early warning signs for various non-communicable diseases such as even strokes and heart attacks.

“Take some time to learn first aid and CPR. It saves lives, and it works.” – Bobby Sherman

  1. World First Aid Day - (
  2. What should I keep in my first aid kit? - (
  3. World First Aid Day: First Aid at School - (
  4. World First Aid Day - (
  5. World First Aid Day – September 11, 2021 - (












