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World Population Day 2024: A World for All, Leaving No One Uncounted

by Dr. Preethi Balasubramanian on July 10, 2024 at 2:57 PM
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Every year on July 11th, the world comes together to observe World Population Day. This day serves as a crucial reminder of the challenges and opportunities presented by our growing global population (1).

Established by the United Nations in 1989, World Population Day was a direct response to the surging population reaching a milestone of five billion on July 11, 1987. It aims to raise awareness about population issues and their impact on sustainable development.

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Accurate data collection can transform lives by ensuring access to essential healthcare services. #populationday #globalhealth #medindia’

Theme for World Population Day 2024

The theme for World Population Day 2024 is "Interwoven Lives, Threads of Hope: Ending inequalities in sexual and reproductive health and rights."

This year's World Population Day focuses on a critical issue: ensuring everyone is counted in official data. This might seem like a technicality, but for marginalized communities, the lack of data has real-world consequences.

Millions remain uncounted, making them invisible in government programs and health initiatives. This is particularly harmful in the area of sexual and reproductive health. Without accurate data on these communities, it's difficult to understand their needs and challenges, hindering progress in delivering essential healthcare services.

World Population Day 2024 calls for a global commitment to "Count Everyone". By including everyone in data collection efforts, we can ensure that all individuals, regardless of background, have the opportunity to exercise their rights, access healthcare, and reach their full potential. Only then can we achieve the goal of leaving no one behind.

History of World Population Day

The idea for World Population Day originated from Dr. KC Zachariah. Following the observation of "Five Billion Day" in 1987, the Governing Council of the UN Development Programme (UNDP) recognized the need for continued focus on population issues. The UN General Assembly officially endorsed World Population Day in 1990. Since then, the day has been marked by various events and initiatives around the world, raising awareness and promoting dialogue on critical population concerns.

Significance of World Population Day

World Population Day is significant for several reasons:

Raising Awareness: It brings global attention to the challenges posed by population growth, such as resource depletion, environmental degradation, and social inequalities.

Promoting Sustainable Development: The day emphasizes the link between population issues and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set forth by the UN. These goals aim to address global challenges like poverty, hunger, and climate change, all of which are impacted by population dynamics.

Highlighting Human Rights: World Population Day underscores the importance of sexual and reproductive health and rights for individuals, particularly women and girls. Ensuring access to these rights empowers individuals and contributes to a more equitable society.

Driving Action: The day serves as a catalyst for action at various levels - governments, NGOs, and individuals can all play a role in promoting responsible population policies and addressing inequalities.

By promoting a deeper understanding of population issues and their interconnectedness with development challenges, World Population Day paves the way for a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

  1. World Population Day - (

Source: Medindia

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