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World Vitiligo Day: More Than Skin Deep

by Dr. Pavithra on June 24, 2024 at 4:24 PM
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Vitiligo, a word that might not be familiar to everyone. But for millions around the world, it's a reality etched onto their skin. This chronic condition disrupts the body's pigment production, leaving behind a map of white patches. World Vitiligo Day, observed annually on June 25th, aims to shed light on this often misunderstood condition (1).

A Closer Look at Vitiligo

Imagine a mosaic - a beautiful artwork made from contrasting pieces. Vitiligo can be like that, with white patches appearing on various areas of the body, often on the face, hands, and feet. These patches can vary in size and shape, and their story isn't fully written yet - researchers believe a mix of genes and environment might be the culprit.

Did You Know?
Vitiligo, an autoimmune disorder that causes loss of skin pigmentation, affects approximately 1% of the global population, and researchers have identified over 50 genes associated with the condition. #worldvitiligoday #vitiligo #medindia’

The theme for World Vitiligo Day 2024 is "United by the skin". This theme emphasises the importance of recognizing and appreciating the unique beauty of individuals with vitiligo. It encourages viewing vitiligo as a condition to be concealed to celebrate it as a part of human diversity

There are two main types: segmental, which develops quickly and affects a smaller area, and non-segmental, the more common type that spreads more gradually.

Why World Vitiligo Day Matters

This day isn't just about raising awareness for a skin condition. It's about chipping away at the stigma and isolation often faced by those with vitiligo.

Living with Vitiligo: More Than Skin Deep

Vitiligo goes beyond the physical appearance. It's a journey that touches on emotions, self-image, and social interactions.

Vitiligo is a multifaceted experience that shapes a person's journey. But through education, support, and self-love, individuals with vitiligo can navigate their path with confidence. World Vitiligo Day reminds us to celebrate diversity and embrace the beauty in our differences.

Vitiligo is a journey that goes beyond the skin, but with support, individuals can thrive.


  1. Speakers announced for World Vitiligo Day 2024 celebration - (

Source: Medindia

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