The human heart produces 2 well-differentiated edematous reactions occurring at distinct times after an infarction.

‘Treatments during an infarction can change the composition of the cardiac muscle during the first hours after reperfusion, resulting in a much more rapid recovery of the heart.’

Two years ago, the research team behind the new studies published a series of animal studies that challenged this view, but the most important challenge remained: to validate the new findings in human patients. 

The new studies used the most advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology to demonstrate that the human heart produces 2 well-differentiated edematous reactions occurring at distinct times after an infarction.
These results have immediate clinical implications for ongoing clinical trials and could form the basis of future studies focused on the specific modulation of each of these independent edematous phases.
Rodrigo Fernández-Jiménez, first author on both studies, explained that "surprisingly, we still know very little about how the myocardium reacts to an infarction, and it is only through the use of MRI, which allows noninvasive, millimeter-resolution mapping of tissue composition, that we are beginning to understand many of its mysteries."
The bimodal postinfarction inflammatory reaction was first demonstrated in animals in 2015, but this left the much more difficult challenge of demonstrating that the same phenomenon occurs in patients.
One center with the technology and expertise to carry out this type of study is the university hospital in Salamanca. As chief cardiologist Pedro Luis Sánchez explained "we've been able to carry out this work thanks to the enthusiasm and commitment of everyone in the service.
Patients are particularly vulnerable during this period, so in addition to the expert MRI specialists, we also needed a full clinical support team on hand to provide continuous care during the examination period.
The study is the first in the world to study heart attack patients by MRI so soon after the re-establishment of blood flow. In addition to studies in patients, the team have also extended their investigation of infarction in pigs, the experimental model most similar to humans.
The unique translational research infrastructure at the CNIC includes identical imaging equipment for human and animal studies, allowing the team to demonstrate that treatments during an infarction can change the composition of the cardiac muscle during the first hours after reperfusion, resulting in a much more rapid recovery of the heart.
In the words of Dr. Fernández-Jiménez, "MRI provides an extraordinary ability to noninvasively visualize events occurring after an infarction in real time, including inflammation, tissue volume expansion, hemorrhage, and obstruction of the microcirculation."
According to Dr. Ibáñez, who recently won the Fundación Banco Sabadell Biomedical Research Prize, the discovery of the bimodal inflammatory response in the human heart "forces us to think about the best timing for MRI scans used in clinical trials to quantify irreversible injury and to monitor the effectiveness of interventions to reduce this injury.
Until now this question was not considered important, and cardiac imaging studies have been conducted on any day in the postinfarction period.
The new findings show that the optimal time for these scans is between postinfarction days 4 and 7, when the second inflammatory/edematous wave is prominent and affects the entire region that was shut off from the blood supply during the infarction.