How to Detect Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that occurs due to loss of bone density makes bones more fragile and increases the risk of fracture from a slight fall or in serious cases even from sneezing or minor bumps.
Many people are unaware of this condition as it does not exhibit symptoms until there is a bone fracture has large societal impact with overwhelming medical costs and long-term care needs a low-cost, physical function test during a routine health check-up for appropriate timely treatment.
‘Simple physical test to detect osteoporosis.’
Doctors and physical therapists at Shinshu University Hospital developed a method to detect possible osteoporosis before going to the hospital then they will be encouraged to have a bone-density test at the hospital.
The osteoporosis detection method on random population combining BMI and a two-step test performed by taking two maximum-stride steps and calculating the distance in centimetres divided by the body height in centimetres shows a high osteoporosis detection capability.
This new model study reported in journal of clinical medicine aims for conducting a comprehensive health evaluation in super aged society not only for osteoporosis but also for locomotor examinations.
Source: Medindia