Huge Soda Cans may be Binned in NY as Bloomberg Plans Ban on Large Servings
Big soda cans could be pass� in New York City with Mayor Michael Bloomberg proposing a ban on large servings of beverages and sugary drinks in restaurants, theatres and sports arenas as he looks to clamp down on rising rates of obesity in the city.
City Hall officials said that a 2006 study has shown sugary drinks to be the main culprit in increasing the calorie consumption among the public and added that limit a single serving to 16 ounces could cut down consumption.
However the proposal has drawn criticism from beverage associations in the city who say that soft drinks are being unfairly targeted every time obesity becomes an issue. "The New York City Health Department's unhealthy obsession with attacking soft drinks is again pushing them over the top. The city is not going to address the obesity issue by attacking soda because soda is not driving the obesity rates", New York City Beverage Association spokesman, Stefan Friedman said.
Source: Medindia