Improving Patient Care Through Genetics, Personalized Medicine, and Behavioral Intervention
A major focus of research in fields from cancer treatment to the psychopharmacology of mental disorders is personalized medicine with the aim of improving the fit between patient and treatment.
A major focus of research in fields from cancer treatment to the psychopharmacology of mental disorders is personalized medicine with the aim of improving the fit between patient and treatment.
Genetic studies have suggested that an individual's genetic makeup renders him either more or less sensitive to stressful social environments - but can an individual's unique genotype also determine the effectiveness of preventative or therapeutic behavioral interventions?
The current issue of Perspectives on Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, combines nine stimulating articles in the first systematic effort to survey the possibilities of genetics research, personalized medicine, and behavioral intervention.
"Personalized medicine is being seen by many as the future of clinical treatment," says Alan G. Kraut, Executive Director of the Association for Psychological Science. "The articles in this special issue of Perspectives on Psychological Science identify several important areas of focus that must be considered by researchers, patients, and clinicians as the field advances."
Initiated by the Division of Behavioral and Social Research of the National Institute on Aging (NIA), this special issue of Perspectives on Psychological Science addresses the current opinion about the importance of genetically informed research designs in determining the precise targets, timing, and mechanisms of behavioral interventions.
"The intersection of behavior and genetics provides exciting research possibilities," said Richard Suzman, Ph.D., director of NIA's Division of Behavioral and Social Research. "If we can determine the extent to which we can tailor behavioral treatments to the unique genetic characteristics of an individual, then we will be on our way to the era of personalized medicine for a variety of conditions."
Articles in this issue include:
Development, Social Relationships and Genetics: Appraising Apposition and Integration
Genetic Thinking in the Study of Social Relationships: Five Points of Entry
David Reiss
Refining Intervention Targets in Family-Based Research
Leslie D. Leve, Gordon T. Harold, Xiaojia Ge, Jenae M. Neiderhiser, and Gerald Patterson
Genetic Tools for Causal Inference in Social Theory and Behavioral Intervention
Mendelian Randomization for Strengthening Causal Inference in Observational Studies: Application to Gene � Environment Interactions
George Davey Smith
Causal Inference and Observational Research: The Utility of Twins
Matt McGue, Merete Osler, and Kaare Christensen
Genetics and Intervention Research
Robert Plomin and Claire M.A. Haworth
Targeting Behavioral Intervention and Understanding its Impact: Econometric and Genetic Models
Early Adversity and Developmental Outcomes: Interaction Between Genetics, Epigenetics, and Social Experiences Across the Lifespan
Frances A. Champagne
Heterogeneity of Physical Function Responses to Exercise in Older Adults: Possible Contribution of Variation in the Angiotensin-1 Converting Enzyme (ACE) Gene?
Barbara J. Nicklas
Understanding the Early Origins of the Education-Health Gradient: A Framework That Can Also Be Applied to Analyze Gene-Environment Interaction
Gabriella Conti and James J. Heckman
Contemporary Modeling of Gene � Environment Effects in Randomized Multivariate Longitudinal Studies4John J. McArdle and Carol A. Prescott
Source: Eurekalert