Bambam Kumar Mandal, 27, was diagnosed with diaphragmatic hernia, a hole in the diaphragm that allows the abdominal contents to move into the chest cavity.

Mandal’s chest X-ray was hazy and showed bubbles; his heart seemed too much on the right side and the right lung seemed compressed. But an emergency CT scan revealed the problem: Bambam Kumar’s stomach, spleen, pancreas and large colon had "climbed" into his chest space.
Professor Dr Ajay Bhandarwar from JJ Hospital’s surgery department said that Kumar had a congenital defect called diaphragmatic hernia. “Diaphragmatic hernia is a defect or hole in the diaphragm that allows the abdominal contents to move into the chest cavity. The CT scan showed a 6.8cm hole or defect. It was possibly there right at his birth, but could have worsened in recent years," Dr Bhandarwar said.
Dr Bhandarwar and his team comprising Dr Nimish Jain and Dr Amol Wagh operated on Mandal the next day itself using the minimally invasive laparoscopy techniques. Doctors said he was perfectly fine after the surgery. "Mandal was one of the few cases in the world suffering from Bochdalek Hernia. Literature shows only 173 such cases," said Dr Jain.