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Strengthening India's Healthcare: Interim Budget 2024

by Dr. Krishanga on February 1, 2024 at 3:28 PM
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Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman released the interim budget for 2024, emphasizing India's strides in overcoming the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic and laying the groundwork for a self-reliant nation. With a focus on bolstering the healthcare sector, several key initiatives were announced during the presentation.

Cervical Cancer Vaccination

Firstly, the government aims to prioritize the vaccination of girls aged 9-14 against cervical cancer as a preventive measure. Additionally, under the Ayushman Bharat scheme, health coverage will be extended to include all ASHA and Anganwadi workers and helpers, expanding access to healthcare services for grassroots workers.

‘Over 157 new nursing colleges to be established co-located with medical colleges. #healthforall #interimbudget #budget2024 #medindia’

Medical Infrastructure

In a bid to enhance medical education infrastructure, the government plans to establish more medical colleges utilizing existing hospital facilities across various departments. A dedicated committee will be formed to address pertinent issues and provide recommendations in this regard.

Maternal and Child Healthcare

Efforts to streamline maternal and child healthcare schemes are underway, with plans to consolidate them under a comprehensive program for better coordination and implementation. Moreover, initiatives such as 'Saksham Anganwadi' and Poshan 2.0 aim to accelerate the upgrading of Anganwadi centers to improve nutrition delivery and early childhood care.


The rollout of the 'U-Win' platform for managing immunization, along with the intensification of Mission Indradhanush, will be expedited nationwide. Building upon previous commitments, Finance Minister Sitharaman reiterated plans to establish new nursing colleges co-located with recently established medical colleges, alongside a mission to eliminate sickle cell anemia by 2047, involving the screening of seven crore people.

Furthermore, select ICMR labs will open their facilities for research collaboration with public and private medical college faculty as well as the private sector, fostering innovation and knowledge exchange in healthcare.

The interim budget for 2024 underscores the government's commitment to strengthening the healthcare ecosystem, fostering inclusivity, and advancing research and development initiatives for improved public health outcomes.

"The interim budget underscores our commitment to a healthier, self-reliant India." - Finance Minister Sitharaman


  1. Union Budget - (

Source: Medindia

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