Internet can serve as a helpful pathway to diagnosis and care for people who suspect they have a rare disorder that has not been identified by their physicians, reveals a new study

‘Availability of focused information regarding rare disorders on the internet may lead to improved diagnosis of certain conditions.’

"While online searches can frequently fail to provide relevant or correct health information, the internet does offer those with rare disorders a way to find the rare specialists interested in a particular condition and obtain accurate information about it."

The study analyzed 665 referrals made from 1996 to 2017 to a Wake Forest School of Medicine research center specializing in autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease (ADTKD), a group of rare inherited conditions that gradually cause kidneys to stop working.
Among the referrals, 40 percent were from health care providers at academic medical centers, 33 percent were from non-academic practitioners, and 27 percent were self-referrals from individuals or family members with concerns about but no diagnosis of inherited kidney disease who contacted the center directly through its website without guidance or assistance from a health care provider.
Genetic testing results were positive (indicating the presence of ADTKD) in 27 percent of the cases referred by academic centers, 25 percent of those referred by non-academic providers and 24 percent of those who contacted the center directly.
"The similar percentages of positive results from the three types of referrals indicate that actively pursuing self-diagnosis using the internet can be successful," Bleyer said. "One-quarter of the families found to have ADTKD were diagnosed as result of direct contact with the center through the internet, which represents 42 families and 116 individuals who otherwise would have gone undiagnosed if a family member had not contacted us."
Nonetheless, Bleyer said, the study highlights the importance of the internet as a resource for people with rare conditions.