Actor Jim Carrey Slams 'Fascist' California Vaccine Order, Claims It can Poison Kids
Measles was believed to have disappeared years ago in the US thanks to vaccination programs. But when some parents stopped vaccinating their children due to several beliefs, measles made a comeback. Following a measles outbreak and outcry across the country, California's Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill toughening vaccination requirements for children. Veteran comic actor Jim Carrey has labeled California's governor a 'corporate fascist' for ordering tougher rules on mandatory childhood vaccinations, claiming they can poison children.
Brown's vaccine measure garnered support from both Republicans and Democrats. The new law will require all children to be immunized before entering kindergarten, with exceptions allowed only if a doctor advises children against immunization. In an ongoing Twitter rant, Carrey insisted he is not against vaccinations as such, but claimed that those advocated by the western US state for school children contain neurotoxins including mercury. Carrey tweeted, "All we are saying is, 'Take the neurotoxins out of the vaccines.' Make them toxin free. History will show that that was a reasonable request."
Carrey started his series of tweets late Tuesday, saying, "California Gov says yes to poisoning more children with mercury and aluminum in manditory (sic) vaccines. This corporate fascist must be stopped. They say mercury in fish is dangerous but forcing all of our children to be injected with mercury in thimerosol is no risk. Make sense?"
The actor was referring thimerosal, an organomercury compound used as a preservative in vaccines also known as thiomersal. The California governor's office did not immediately respond to requests for a comment.
Source: AFP