Karnataka's Resident Doctors On Strike For The 4th Day, Conduct Blood Donation Camp
On September 3, the Karnataka Association of Resident Doctors held a blood donation camp at the Victoria Hospital campus where they are staging a protest.
The resident doctors on the fourth day of their strike maintained that they will not stop their protest till their stipends are revised. The blood donation camp is a message to the government and the medical education department, they said. Dr H J Tejaswi, General Secretary, KARD, told, "Blood donation camps were organised at Hubbali, Mysuru and Bengaluru by resident doctors at the government hospital in support of our cause."
At least 200 resident doctors donated blood in Bengaluru. They said that by this act, the lives of about 600 patients can be saved. "Even when we are on strike we are worried about the patients. We know people with dengue, currently rampant in the State, require blood components (platelets). Pregnant women, too, might need blood transfusion. But the government does not care about us and won't take a speedy decision," Dr Tejaswi said and added that the chief minister has assured that he will bring up the matter in the Cabinet within two days.
"We will continue our strike. Only when the assurance comes in writing will we call off our strike," he said.
Source: Medindia