Kids Suffering from Tourettes Syndrome can Keep Symptoms Under Control
Researchers from the University of Nottingham suggest that children who are suffering from Tourettes syndrome can be taught different techniques
Researchers from the University of Nottingham suggest that children who are suffering from Tourettes syndrome can be taught different techniques in order to keep their symptoms under control.
Currently those who suffer from the disease have to undergo drugs-based therapy which in turn may cause some unwanted side effects among the children. However the researchers said that the brain of those who suffer from the syndrome has a different structure in order to compensate for the symptoms.
Lead researcher Professor Stephen Jackson wrote in the study, published in the journal Current Biology, that such children can be trained since they are known to have greater control over their motor behavior.
"This new study provides compelling evidence that this enhanced control of motor output is accompanied by structural and functional alterations within the brain. This finding suggests that non-pharmacological, 'brain-training' approaches may prove to be an effective treatment for Tourette syndrome", she added.
Source: Medindia