PETA plans to put up a huge billboard in Los Angeles to mock Kim Kardashian.

Kardashian's image will be plastered on a massive campaign billboard next to a photo of baby foxes, alongside the message "Kim: These Babies Miss Their Mother. Is She on Your Back?"
The billboard will be available for all to see throughout the holiday season above a busy Beverly Hills intersection.
"Kim knows that animals on fur farms are beaten, electrocuted, and often skinned alive. We've explained it to her, and she's watched a video expose that was filmed inside fur farms," Contactmusic quoted PETA vice-president Lisa Lange as saying.
"When Kim is ready to put an end to her relationship with fur, PETA will be happy to take her discards and donate them to the homeless," she said.
This billboard is the latest in the feud between Kim and PETA, last year the animal health organisation had named her among their Worst-Dressed Celebrities.