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Do You also Struggle to Fall Asleep in a New Place?

by Dr. Krishanga on October 4, 2023 at 3:22 PM
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Does staying overnight in an unfamiliar location, whether it's a hotel room, a friend's house, or a foreign country, routinely trigger anxiety for you?

Is this a common experience? Indeed, it is. Not only that, but it even has a specific term: the "first night effect." This phenomenon is characterized by a decrease in sleep efficiency and an increase in wakefulness.

The First Night Effect: A Cautious Reaction

Our evolutionary background plays a significant role here. In the wild, our ancestors had to exercise caution in unknown surroundings to ensure their survival through the night. Therefore, the heightened vigilance many of us feel-now referred to as the first night effect-is a reflection of our innate predisposition to be alert in new environments. This vigilance serves as an inherent safety mechanism, designed to enhance our ability to detect and respond to potential threats.

‘Did you know? Humans share the 'first night effect' with marine mammals and birds, showcasing our evolutionary instincts in action. #sleepscience #evolutionaryvigilance #medindia’

Interestingly, humans aren't the only creatures that go through this. Niels Rattenborg from the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Seewiesen, Germany, an expert in avian sleep, mentioned to NPR, "We've known for quite a while that some marine mammals like dolphins and some of the seals, as well as many birds, can sleep with one half of the brain at a time."

But if we are evolutionarily wired to stay vigilant on the first night in an unfamiliar setting, why do some individuals seem to experience it less? We've all encountered people who can fall asleep effortlessly, whether at home or in a hotel. Kelly Murray, an adult sleep coach, sheds light on this, saying, "Its intensity and likelihood varies among individuals based on specific factors-such as current sleep hygiene practices, transitions across time zones, the quality and familiarity of the new sleep environment, and individual personal and medical conditions... Individuals with established sleep routines and healthy sleep habits may experience a milder impact."

Furthermore, the first-night effect isn't the sole reason for struggling to fall asleep in a new place. Often, alterations in one's usual sleep environment-such as ambient noise, lighting, temperature, bedding texture, or pillow softness-can influence sleep quality until they become accustomed to these new features. Just as it may be difficult to sleep in a noisy environment next to a bustling street for someone accustomed to peace and quiet, finding oneself in a communal sleeping arrangement, as is common in family weddings, camping trips, or situations with limited space, can also hinder sleep, especially for those unaccustomed to sharing a bed (1).

For individuals with autism, these challenges may be heightened due to the need for a strict schedule or routine in a familiar environment, as noted by News Medical.

Ultimately, as humans, we thrive on routine. As sleep medicine neurology specialist Muhammad Najjar told CNN, "There can be a lot more anxiety around sleeping away from home, and that can make it more difficult to sleep."

Moreover, since teleportation is not an option, finding oneself in a new environment at night usually involves travel or, in some cases, moving residences. Both activities can lead to physical exhaustion and, for some, pain that disrupts their ability to sleep.

How to Combat Poor Sleep

Many individuals grapple with poor sleep due to various factors, with sleep apnea being a prevalent culprit that significantly affects sleep quality.

As a result, individuals are more likely to fall asleep faster, stay asleep throughout the night, and wake up feeling refreshed rather than tired.

"It's evident that there are numerous factors contributing to the challenge of falling asleep in new places. While there may not be much one can do to change this, one can take comfort in the knowledge that it's ultimately our brain's way of safeguarding us."


  1. Can we put the first night effect to bed? An analysis based on a large sample of healthy adults - (

Source: Medindia

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