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Unplugging from Social Media and Rediscovering Joy This Holiday Season

by Dr. Trupti Shirole on November 30, 2023 at 12:18 AM
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The holiday season is upon us, and while it should be a time of joy and celebration, the impact of social media on our mental well-being can turn festivities into a source of stress and anxiety (1). In a world where constant connectivity is the norm, finding moments of peace has become increasingly challenging. Let's explore the intersection of social media and holiday stress, and look at practical tips to help you disconnect, set boundaries, and prioritize your well-being during this festive season.

The Social Media Dilemma

The relationship between social media and mental health during the holidays is a complex one. Studies show varying perspectives, with some suggesting that social media has little impact on mental health, while others argue that it contributes to feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety. Regardless of the academic debate, it's clear that the constant stream of holiday-themed content can intensify stress levels.

Link Between Holiday Blues and Social Media

A significant number of individuals experience the "holiday blues," with symptoms ranging from weariness and anxiety to feelings of isolation and grief. Social media compounds these emotions by creating an online environment where the pressure to conform to idealized holiday standards is heightened. As we scroll through curated feeds of festive perfection, it's essential to recognize that real-life experiences are often more nuanced.

‘Unwrap joy this holiday! Disconnect from social media stress with practical tips. #holiday #socialmediadetox’

Social media and the holidays don't always complement each other. The expectation to showcase picture-perfect celebrations can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and isolation. Push notifications flood our devices, ensuring we don't miss a single holiday post, potentially interrupting our daily lives and preventing us from fully experiencing the moment.

FOMO and Comparison Can Overshadow Joyous Moments

The fear of missing out (FOMO) is a common phenomenon during the holidays, amplified by social media's highlight reels. Constantly comparing ourselves to others' seemingly perfect celebrations can lead to exhaustion and a misguided focus on online validation. The pressure to keep up with an idealized version of the holidays can overshadow genuine moments of joy.

Practical Strategies for a Healthier Holiday Season:

When to Seek Assistance for Stress

If holiday stress, amplified by social media exposure, becomes overwhelming, seeking professional assistance is a proactive step. Therapists can provide support and coping strategies to navigate the challenges of the season.

As we enter the holiday season, let's prioritize our mental well-being by adopting practical strategies to manage social media's impact. By setting boundaries, embracing gratitude, and focusing on genuine moments of joy, we can create a holiday season that aligns with our unique values and brings true comfort and joy. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to celebrating the holidays, so let's redefine our expectations and savor the moments that truly matter.

  1. Social Media Use and Its Connection to Mental Health: A Systematic Review - (
Source - Medindia

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    Dr. Trupti Shirole. 2023. Unplugging from Social Media and Rediscovering Joy This Holiday Season. Medindia, viewed Sep 28, 2024,

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