Lilly's Experimental Drug Slowed Mental Deterioration in Patients With Mild Alzheimer's Disease
Indiana-based pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly revealed that its experimental Alzheimer's drug failed to achieve its primary objective of stopping the spread of the disease but revealed that it did manage to slow down the mental deterioration in patients affected with a mild form of the disease.
Lilly was conducting two large clinical trials to test the effectiveness of solanezumab, which attacked a protein known as beta amyloid that produces toxic effects on the brain in people with Alzheimer's disease. More than 2,000 patients with mild or moderate form of Alzheimer's took part in the 18-month long study.
The company said that while there was no change in cognition or daily functioning of the patients whether they were given solanezumab or placebo, the drug was found to slow down the cognitive worsening among patients with mild form of Alzheimer's.
"We recognize that the solanezumab studies did not meet their primary endpoints, but we are encouraged by the pooled data that appear to show a slowing of cognitive decline. We intend to discuss these data with regulatory authorities to gain their insights on potential next steps", Lilly Chief Executive John Lechleiter said.
Source: Medindia