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Link Between Stroke and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome

by Dr. Jayashree Gopinath on December 8, 2021 at 8:30 PM

A history of adverse pregnancy outcomes (APO) is associated with higher odds of midlife stroke, according to a study published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Women's Health.

APO included preterm delivery, low birth weight, preeclampsia, placental abruption, and stillbirth.

Researchers from Columbia University found that stroke before age 60 was reported by 5% of 164 women with APOs, compared to 1% of women without APOs.

‘The mean age at which stroke occurs in a woman with a history of adverse pregnancy outcomes was 49 years.’

"Remarkably, nearly 4 in 10 women in our sample who suffered a stroke before the age of 60 had a history of APOs," stated the investigators.

This study findings suggest that common APOs may offer a glimpse into women's cerebrovascular health, and a unique opportunity to implement primary preventive strategies in a population at high risk of future stroke.

Healthcare providers should consider women with a history of adverse pregnancy outcomes at increased risk of stroke during midlife and implement preventive measures.

Source: Medindia

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