The fruit juice made with stevia, beta-glucans and lime is nutrient-rich and does not compromise on taste.

‘Adding healthy fibre and low-calorie sweeteners to fruit juice rich in beneficial vitamins improves the overall nutrient content.’

"From a health point of view, the effects of using stevia have been purely positive," said Line Holler Mielby from Aarhus University in Denmark. 

Fibre products that have a positive effect on health include beta-glucans which are naturally occurring in oats, for example.
"Foods should have satisfying sensory characteristics since these characteristics will determine whether the consumer will buy the product again. The product should leave a good all-round impression," Mielby added.
Fruit juice contains a number of beneficial vitamins but often has high sugar and low-fibre contents.
The challenge was to increase the nutritional value of the juice without spoiling the taste.
Adding healthy fibre and low-calorie sweeteners to food will not work if they have a negative effect on the flavour.
The results showed that the addition of lime to the apple-cherry juice could counterbalance the adverse impact on taste of the stevia and beta-glucans.
The taste of lime in the juice concealed not only the aftertaste of stevia but also the smell of staleness and metals imparted by the beta-glucans and improved the experience of drinking fruit juice containing beta-glucans.