Needle Acupuncture Deemed Safe Among Teens
Researchers from University of Alberta said that using acupuncture as a mode of treatment among teenagers and kids under the age of 18 years is safe
Researchers from University of Alberta said that using acupuncture as a mode of treatment among teenagers and kids under the age of 18 years is safe with minimal side effects.
The researchers used data from 37 different studies involving more than 1,422 patients and found that less than 12 percent of the patients complained of mild adverse incidence such as pain, bruising, bleeding, or worsening of symptoms.
Lead researcher Sunita Vohra said that the number of such cases could be low if the treatment is carried out by qualified practitioners. "Of the adverse events associated with paediatric needle acupuncture, a majority of them were mild in severity. Many of the serious adverse events might have been caused by substandard practice", the researchers wrote in their report which has been published in the journal Paediatrics.
Source: Medindia