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New Tool Assesses COVID-19 Viral Mutations Effectively

by Dr. Meenakshy Varier on September 12, 2020 at 3:04 PM

A powerful, new tool has been developed that harnesses the genomic and protein information about the COVID-19 virus and its mutations. The software tool dubbed COVID-3D could aid in new drug and vaccine development against COVID-19 infection.

The COVID-19 virus is mutating continuously with new protein structures, and developing treatments as the virus mutates is a huge challenge. Scientists are struggling to develop effective vaccines or drugs.

‘The new software tool COVID-3D, gauges the genomic and protein information of the COVID-19 viral mutations. This will aid in effective drug and vaccine development against the virus.’

Research from the University of Melbourne, lead by Associate Professor David Ascher and his team at the Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute and the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, has developed the software tool and library. The findings are published in Nature Genetics.

COVID-3D contains all vital information about the protein structures of the COVID-19 viral genome, including every genetic mutation and its resultant mutant protein structure.

"Although the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a relatively new pathogen, its ability to readily accumulate mutations across its genes was evident from the start of this pandemic," Associate Professor Ascher said.

When a virus mutates, its protein structure changes, which can affect the ability of existing drugs and vaccines to bind to the virus and create a specific immune response against it. It is therefore important to predict the 3D shape of a protein, to not compromise on the drug's ability to bind.

To develop the software tool COVID-3D, researchers analyzed the genome sequencing data of over 120,000 SARS-CoV-2 samples from infected people globally and Australia to identify mutations within each of the virus' proteins.

The effect of mutations on protein structure was assessed using computer simulations. This data was used to calculate the biological effects of every possible mutation within the genome.

Mutations are changes in the organism's genetic material. They are natural errors that occur during the cell replication process. Mutations increase the survival, infectivity, and virulence of the virus.

The SARS-CoV-2 mutations are not as notorious as other viruses such as influenza, with about two new changes in its genome every month.

COVID-3D can be a powerful resource that will help understand the biology behind the SARS-Cov-2 infection and its mutations. This can aid in the development of more effective vaccine and drugs.

Source: Medindia

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