Screening newborns for congenital cytomegalovirus infection is associated with cost savings across a wide range of assumptions.

‘Screening newborns for congenital cytomegalovirus infection is associated with cost savings across a wide range of assumptions.’

The authors report that among all infants born in the United States,
identifying one case of cCMV infection by universal screening was
estimated to cost $2,000 to $10,000 or $566 to $2,832 by targeted
screening. Identifying one case of hearing loss due to cCMV was $27,460
by universal screening or $975 by targeted screening. 

Study limitations include estimations of the costs of screening, costs associate with hearing loss and assumptions about the impact of early intervention.
"We found that screening newborns for cCMV infection is generally associated with cost savings, or is essentially cost neutral from the perspective of net public spending, across a wide range of assumptions. These results, combined with the reported clinical benefits and high parental acceptance, appear to satisfy accepted criteria for newborn screening. Thus, in the absence of a vaccine or other effective methods to prevent cCMV infection, newborn cCMV screening appears warranted in the United States," the study concludes.