Nutritional Information may Now be Displayed on Beer and Wine
The federal health ministry in Australia is mulling the option of asking alcohol companies in the country to display the nutritional information of their beverages
The federal health ministry in Australia is mulling the option of asking alcohol companies in the country to display the nutritional information of their beverages as part of the labeling overhaul of various food items in the country.
An inquiry conducted by the Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia revealed that alcohol contains 290 kilojoules, an energy concentration second only to fat.
A submission to the inquiry argued that just two glasses of sweet white wine provided energy equivalent to a plain doughnut and added that alcohol should be treated as "food" and should be regulated as such.
The federal and state food ministers have now received a report written by a panel headed by former federal health minister Neal Blewett which urges them to remove the exemptions given to alcohol companies and make them to list nutritional information on their products.
Source: Medindia