Over 400 Hospitalized from Food Poisoning In Sri Lanka
After suffering from food poisoning, over 400 people were hospitalized in eastern Sri Lanka on Monday.
Police spokesman Ajith Rohana told Xinhua that the people had attended a function in the eastern town of Batticaloa the previous evening and fell sick after consuming food at the event.
He said that most of those who fell ill were suffering from diarrhea and they were not in a serious condition.
A spokesperson at the Batticaloa hospital said that around 150 people were admitted to hospital on Sunday night but by Monday more people sought treatment and the figure exceeded 400.
Ajith Rohana said that a police investigation into the incident is currently underway.
There have been instances of food poisoning reported in various parts of Sri Lanka in the past, mostly stemming from the food being prepared in unhygienic conditions or expired food.
Just last week food poisoning resulting from possibly a germ in the dinner consumed by soldiers at a military camp in Sri Lanka saw over 100 soldiers being admitted to hospital.
Most often garment factory workers and school children fall prey to food poisoning in Sri Lanka as they purchase food from street vendors and shops.
Also last week health inspectors destroyed several loaves of bread in a store after it was found to be unfit for human consumption.
Health inspectors often carry out raids on food stalls or shops to check the condition under which the food is prepared and remove food unfit for human consumption. Legal action is also taken against the perpetrators.
Source: ANI