Oz Government Urged to Legalize Marijuana
The director of Australia's Center for Alcohol Policy Research, Robin Room has urged the government to legalize marijuana, but still retain tight controls, as it would reduce binge drinking among teens, which he sees to be more harmful to the society than any other drug abuse.
Speaking to the Herald Sun, Room said that the government should fairly highly controlled legal marijuana market and at the same time bring about tight controls over the alcohol market in a manner similar to that adopted towards tobacco.
Stating that alcohol was more dangerous than cannabis, Room said that teenagers will avoid violence if they smoke marijuana compared to indulging in binge drinking as alcohol aggression, physical harm, loss of emotional ability.
"Cannabis is not without harm, but it's substantially less than alcohol and tobacco in terms of social harm. If you are adding the cannabis to an equal amount of alcohol, then in some ways you'd be probably less likely to be aggressive", he said.
Source: Medindia